AMULET – a new model of medical care in WIM

AMULET project: A new model of medical care using modern methods of non-invasive clinical assessment and telemedicine in patients with heart failure is being implemented by a scientific consortium comprising the: Military Medical Institute (the Leader), 4th Military Clinical Hospital with Policlinic SP ZOZ in Wrocław, Medical University of Wrocław, Medical University of Gdańsk, Military University of Technology and Infoscan S.A.

The total cost of the AMULET project is over PLN 13 million, of which the National Centre for Research and Development will co-finance PLN 12.7 million under the STRATEGMED III programme. The project was launched on 1 May 2017, and activities will continue for the next 36 months. “The AMULET project team is developing a systemic solution to improve the effectiveness of outpatient care for patients with heart failure” –

says gen. dyw. prof. dr hab. med. Grzegorz Gielerak, Director of WIM and Chairman of the AMULET project Steering Committee, – “This objective will be met by developing a system of care for patients with heart failure based on the use of modern methods of non-invasive haemodynamic assessment of the cardiovascular system, including heart rate, blood pressure, hydration status of the chest and whole body, and IT telenovigilance tools developed in the AMULET project.”

“The use of modern methods of non-invasive haemodynamic assessment will facilitate therapeutic decisions appropriate to the patient's condition, and the use of a telemedicine platform will enable such decisions to be made remotely. Based on the analysis of the acquired medical data, advanced predictive models will also be developed to support the diagnostic and therapeutic process. Under the AMULET project, it is also planned to develop a new mobile device to assess vital signs at home.

It is expected that the solutions developed under the AMULET project will improve the prognosis of patients with heart failure by increasing the availability of specialised care and effective detection of symptoms indicating the risk of exacerbation of the disease. This will result in an improved quality of life for patients, reduced hospitalisations and lower healthcare costs” – highlighting the project's strengths ppłk dr hab. med. Paweł Krzesiński, Head of the Department of Cardiology and Internal Medicine, AMULET Project Manager.

“The interdisciplinary nature of the AMULET project enables closer cooperation between medical and technical institutions. Thanks to the use of their unique knowledge, the latest technical achievements and implementation experience, the effects of the AMULET project will be competitive on domestic and foreign markets” – points out gen. dyw. prof. dr hab. med. Grzegorz Gielerak. “The AMULET project will therefore make a significant contribution to raising Poland's position on the telemedicine services market.”

The innovation of the AMULET project is expressed in the extensive use of modern diagnostic methods, new treatment algorithms and IT tools. They will enable the acquisition of information about a patient's clinical condition, its processing and efficient communication between medical staff involved in patient care. Under the AMULET project, it is planned to establish a minimum of 9 outpatient care points in different regions of Poland. The result will be a network of collaborating providers of expert-level outpatient care for heart failure patients.

A preliminary study and organisational activities are currently under way to prepare the team of investigators for a prospective and randomised clinical trial, for which patient recruitment will begin in the first quarter of 2018.