Płk dr hab. med. Paweł Krzesiński, was a special guest at the conference “Does Medicine Need Artificial Intelligence?” organised by Wrocław Medical University as part of the HeartBIT_4.0 project. The AMULET Project Manager gave a lecture entitled “The AMULET Project – new opportunities for optimising heart failure treatment using IT tools”, presenting the strengths of the telemedicine platform developed in the AMULET project.
The HeartBIT_4.0 (Application of innovative Medical Data Science technologies for heart diseases) project is implemented under the European Union's Framework Programme for Research and Innovation - Horizon 2020 and serves to combine the scientific potential of medical centre researchers and experts in artificial intelligence (AI) techniques and big data analysis methods.
Comments from płk. dr. hab. n. med. Paweł Krzesiński: Participating in such a conference is an excellent opportunity for the exchange of mutual experiences between medics and engineers. The world of medicine is opening up more and more to the use of AI in data analysis, as it becomes increasingly difficult for us to encompass with our own intellect or with 'classical' analytical methods all the streams of information that come in about both the individual patient and entire populations. The main problem, however, is the quality of the medical data acquired, including the use of an appropriate medical “dictionary”, structured data archiving, maintaining its consistency, integrity and security. And it is in these areas that the AMULET platform can bring a new quality to the work of both doctors and engineers. All data stored in it meets these requirements and can be easily processed for analysis. The AMULET concept also “familiarises” doctors with the use of decision-making and predictive algorithms, proposing them as useful tools to support therapy.
We encourage you to read the presentation of płk. dr hab. med. Paweł Krzesiński available via this link